//    //    は.せる////    JI//    ha.seru//

run;  gallop;  sail;  drive (a wagon);  win (fame);  despatch

Radical: (horse).   Strokes: 13画.   Elements: 馬也.   Pinyin: chí.   Hangul:  [chi].

Jinmeiyō Kanji.

Example compounds:
走さまごちそうさまgochisōsama】word used after one has been treated (esp. used after a meal); used after hearing something lovey-dovey
ごちそうgochisō】feast; to treat (someone, e.g. to a meal)
走様でしたごちそうさまでしたgochisōsamadeshita】That was a delicious meal (said after meals); What a wonderful meal
せる名前をせるなまえをはせるnamaewohaseru】to win fame; to make a name for oneself
せるはせるhaseru】to run; to drive (a car) quickly; to win (fame)
思いをせるおもいをはせるomoiwohaseru】to think about; to send one's heart out to; to give more than a passing thought to; to think of something far away; to think nostalgically upon (esp. one's hometown)
Codepoints and classification codes:
35-58JIS X 0208
7431.2Four Corner
3456De Roo
Dictionary indices:
5195Classic Nelson
6730The New Nelson Character Dictionary by A. Nelson
2805Remembering the Kanji by J. Heisig
44593Daikanwajiten 「大漢和辞典」 by T. Morohashi vol. 12 p. 500