タン/TAN/    ほころ.びる/hokoro.biru/TAN/タン/    hokoro.biru/ほころ.びる/

be rent;  ripped;  unravel;  run;  begin to open;  smile

Radical: (silk).   Strokes: 14画.   Elements: 糸幺小疋宀.   Pinyin: zhàn.   Hangul:  [tan].

Jōyō Kanji High School.

Example compounds:
タンTANはたんhatan】failure; bankruptcy
経営破けいえいはたんkeieihatan】business failure
を来すはたんをきたすhatanwokitasu】to be ruined; to fail; to go bankrupt
ほころびるhokorobiruびるほころびるhokorobiru】to come apart at the seams; to begin to open; to smile broadly
Codepoints and classification codes:
35-30JIS X 0208
2398.1Four Corner
Dictionary indices:
3551Classic Nelson
4514The New Nelson Character Dictionary by A. Nelson
2670Remembering the Kanji by J. Heisig
27587Daikanwajiten 「大漢和辞典」 by T. Morohashi vol. 8 p. 1108