//    やぐら//    おおだて////    yagura//    oodate//

oar;  tower

Radical: (tree).   Strokes: 19画.   Elements: 魚田日木灬.   Pinyin: .   Hangul:  [ro].

Jinmeiyō Kanji.

Example compounds:
ro】Japanese scull (oar attached to the rear of the boat by a traditional peg-in-hole oarlock)
ろぐいrogui】fulcrum peg (fitted into the cavity in an oar as part of a traditional oarlock)
ろべそrobeso】fulcrum peg (fitted into the cavity in an oar as part of a traditional oarlock)
やぐらやぐらyagura】turret; high wooden stage; wooden frame (of a kotatsu); weapons storehouse
火の見ひのみやぐらhinomiyagura】fire lookout; watchtower
太鼓やぐらだいこyaguradaiko】drums which announce the opening of a stage performance or commencement of bouts; the sound produced by such drums
Codepoints and classification codes:
47-6JIS X 0208
4796.3Four Corner
Dictionary indices:
2397Classic Nelson
2908The New Nelson Character Dictionary by A. Nelson
2508Remembering the Kanji by J. Heisig
15798Daikanwajiten 「大漢和辞典」 by T. Morohashi vol. 6 p. 593