エイ//    ひ.く////    hi.ku//

pull;  tug;  jerk;  admit;  install;  quote;  refer to

Radical: (say).   Strokes: 6/7画.   Elements: 乙日.   Variants: 曵引.   Pinyin: zhuài / .   Hangul:  [ye].   Nanori: ひき / びきhiki / biki.

Jinmeiyō Kanji.

Example compounds:
エイ火弾えいかだんeikadan】tracer bullet
光弾えいこうだんeikōdan】tracer bullet; star shell; flare bomb
えいこうeikō】towing (a ship)
ひくhiku】to pull; to draw (attention, etc.); to draw back; to draw (a card); to draw (plan, line, etc.); to catch (cold); to play (string instr.); to look up (e.g. dictionary); to haul; to subtract; to ebb; to descend (from); to quote; to lay (a cable)
Codepoints and classification codes:
17-40JIS X 0208
5000.6Four Corner
Dictionary indices:
100Classic Nelson
2417The New Nelson Character Dictionary by A. Nelson
2848Remembering the Kanji by J. Heisig
14282Daikanwajiten 「大漢和辞典」 by T. Morohashi vol. 5 p. 961